Saturday, November 20, 2010

VOIP with H323 GW and GK and SKINNY too within INTRANET

Configuring voip with CME 3.3 tunnelling voice traffic on IPSEC based site-to-site VPN

Here in this scenario I configured IPSEC based site-to-site VPN. Motivation for creating VPN is that I want to make my voip traffic encrypted on public network. subnet is assumed to be public network. Here in network diagram R2,R3 and FW1 are enabled for IPSEC site-to-site VPN.  Below is the configuration of all devices which I configured.

Here in this scenario three site are involved in VPN. Where GW is behind firewall. and other sites are c1 and c2 where cisco phone are located. With E.164 numbers configured 100 and 101. Dial peers are configured on R2 and R3. Telephony service is configured on R1 for two IP Phone can only communicate.